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When Should You Contact An Attorney Or Lawyer After An Accident?

As soon as you physically are able to call and speak to the attorney. 


After being involved in a car or automobile accident it is important to speak to an attorney to understand your rights, preserve evidence in the form of pictures, obtain video footage from cameras recording the area of the accident, contact witnesses and obtain statements, and to contact the appropriate insurance companies to notify them of your claim.

Is it bad to contact an attorney or lawyer after an accident?

Absolutely not; It is your right.

Speaking with an attorney benefits you, not the insurance companies. Insurance companies would much prefer to speak with you directly rather than your attorney. This makes it easier for insurance companies and their adjusters to control what happens, manage what evidence is preserved, and take advantage of the situation if possible. Insurance companies regularly send investigators to crash scenes and have adjusters contact witnesses immediately. They may contact you right after a crash in the hopes that you will not speak with an attorney first. Many times insurance companies will tell you that they can help you directly and you can proceed without legal representation. They ask you for information, obtain a statement from you and try to dissuade you from presenting a claim.

Does having an experienced attorney on your side make a difference?


These days, with all the advertising and companies promising to help you after an accident,  it is extremely important to contact an experienced attorney who can effectively handle your case and properly present a claim to an insurance company. Retaining an attorney who is experienced in handling automobile accidents, truck accidents, commercial vehicle accidents, and tractor-trailer accidents is important to maximizing your claim. Many attorneys settle cases without trying to obtain the best possible result. At Vinas and Deluca, we make every effort to maximize our clients’ recovery. Oftentimes it takes more time and effort to achieve a good result for a client. Some lawyers are unwilling to spend the necessary time, money, and effort to help clients make a full recovery.  We do.

Is it important to meet and get to know the attorney who will represent you?


Many law firms send investigators or paralegals to meet with new clients. Some people retain a law firm to represent them without ever meeting or speaking to their attorney. At Viñas and DeLuca, our attorneys take the time to meet with and talk to each and every one of our clients. It allows the attorney to properly educate the client on the process and the attorney is in a better position to represent the client if they know the individual and understand the facts of their case.

Why hire Viñas and DeLuca to represent you?

Because we care about our clients and endeavor to obtain the best possible result for each of our clients. Many times it requires more work on the part of our attorneys which is at no additional cost to the client.

Our goal is to obtain the best possible result for our clients. We want our clients to feel that the best possible result was obtained for them given the facts of their case.

What is the cost to retain us?

If there is no recovery, then there is no fee. It’s that simple. Our firm is only compensated if we successfully win your case.

If you believe that a loved one suffered injury or harm as a result of an accident please call us for a free case evaluation. We would be happy to investigate your claim and help you receive justice for you or a loved one.