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What Types of Expert Witnesses Could Help with My Car Accident Claim?

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What Types of Expert Witnesses Could Help with My Car Accident Claim?

While some claims involving car wrecks do not require expert testimony, many times attorneys pursuing these types of personal injury claims will have to retain various types of expert witnesses to win your case. The types of expert witnesses you might need will depend largely on the unique circumstances and facts surrounding the accident.

timelapse photograph of traffic on highway

For instance, if liability is in doubt, an accident reconstructionist can assess evidence from the accident scene to determine who was responsible for causing the collision. Alternatively, a vocational expert can look at your job role to determine how your injuries might impact your ability to earn a living.

Below are some examples of expert witnesses that might contribute to your case:

1. EConomists

Typically, you will want to find an economist who specializes in the evaluation of future lost wages so that their findings, projections, and estimates meet the state’s legal requirements to be admissible as evidence in court. He or she will usually assess many different factors, and may even be able to assist with calculating future medical costs and diminished earning potential, adjusting these figures for inflation to ensure that your settlement accurately accounts for all future damages.

2. Vocational Experts

If it is likely that you will be unable to return to work after your accident, even after participating in multiple medical visits, surgery, and achieving maximum medical improvement, then you may be able to seek compensation for lost wages and any diminished earning potential.  To calculate your losses, your attorney might consult with experts who can evaluate the long-term impact of your injuries on your ability to work.  These experts are often referred to as vocational rehabilitation experts, and can evaluate things such as your employability, the overall job market, your physical and mental abilities to perform various types of jobs, and your future earning capacity.

3. Medical Specialists

In a personal injury case, you will have to demonstrate the seriousness of your injuries and the long-lasting effect your condition will have on many different aspects of your life. For instance, your condition could prevent you from engaging in physical activity, enjoying your favorite hobbies, taking care of the household, or even living independently.

Besides consulting with your doctor and any other healthcare providers involved in your treatment, your attorney might also want to contact and retain specialists with knowledge and experience relevant to your current situation. For instance, if you suffered a spinal cord injury, your lawyer might call on someone with a background in neurosurgery or orthopedics to testify about the complications, challenges, and issues your condition will place upon you throughout your life.

4. Accident Reconstructionists

These individuals can obtain, evaluate, and preserve physical evidence from the accident scene and piece it together with testimony from eye-witnesses and those involved in a car wreck. Such evidence may include photographs, accident reports, surveillance camera footage, dash cam video,  road markings, and debris from vehicle or property damage.  An accident reconstructionist can testify about how an accident or collision likely took place and provide both your attorney and the jury with evidence to better evaluate fault and identify liable parties.

Speak to a Miami Car Accident Attorney Today

Building a compelling car accident case can be time-consuming. Because in many cases it might be necessary to retain various expert witnesses, it may be in your best interest to hire an attorney soon after your car accident.  A skilled and experienced personal injury attorney can spend the time, money, and labor required to retain necessary experts to build your case, identify and preserve case-critical evidence, and arm you with the evidence you will need at trial.

Lawyers at Viñas & DeLuca, PLLC are experienced in handling car accident cases and know what it takes to win.  Once retained, our lawyers will get to work fast, hire skilled experts to assist in gathering evidence and proving your case.  We are always just a phone call away. To request a free case review with a Florida car accident attorney, dial (305) 372-3650 or head over to our contact form HERE.